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  Name Title
Tom Barton Barton, Tom Spanish Teacher
Marianne Bridges Bridges, Marianne Kindergarten Aide
Rex Bridges Bridges, Rex Coach
Carol Burke Burke, Carol Secretary
Michael Cappuccilli Cappuccilli, Michael School Monitor
Renee Costello Costello, Renee PE Teacher
Elisa DeWitt DeWitt, Elisa Principal
Krista Greer Greer, Krista High School Math Teacher
Matthew Hahn Hahn, Matthew High School History Teacher
Caitlynne Hamilton Hamilton, Caitlynne Music Teacher
Elliot Hawk Hawk, Elliot Art Teacher
Christine Hughes Hughes, Christine 5th and 6th Grade Teacher
Emma James James, Emma Kindergarten Aide
Zach Justice Justice, Zach High School Bible Teacher/Chaplain
Colette Kimball Kimball, Colette 1st and 2nd Grade Teacher
Laurel Leary Leary, Laurel High School Science Teacher
Andrew Powers Powers, Andrew High School PE Teacher
Heidi Simmons Simmons, Heidi Business Manager
Renee Smith Smith, Renee High School English Teacher
Lisa Troiano Troiano, Lisa 3rd and 4th Grade Teacher
Gloria Villanueva Villanueva, Gloria Bookkeeper

"I know what they have taught me, how they live and interact with the school body. I know that their purpose for teaching is to glorify God; I have seen their strong faith, their patience, love, and endurance in different situations at school and with the students. Like how Timothy was convinced through Paul, I have been convinced of the faith through my teachers and school community."    

~ Jennifer Puhalski, Salutatorian, class of 2020